Do I Qualify for the Elmiron Vision Loss Lawsuit?

The prescription medication, Elmiron, is prescribed to treat patients who suffer from the pain and discomfort of interstitial cystitis (IC). Unfortunately, many of the patients who took the drug subsequently suffered from progressive retina damage that could eventually lead to vision loss. Many of the patients whose vision was damaged are seeking compensation from the drug’s manufacturer. The attorneys in our network can help determine if you qualify for the Elmiron vision loss lawsuit.
As one of many injured Elmiron users, you can request compensation for your medical expenses, income loss, pain and suffering, loss of quality of life, and other financial expenses and losses connected to Elmiron. To find out if you can join others in a multiplaintiff lawsuit, the Mass Tort Lawsuit lawyer who represents you will review your case at no cost. They will also review your medical and prescription records and determine your case’s potential financial value.
Elmiron Long-Term Side Effects
People who suffer from interstitial cystitis, a chronic bladder condition, typically experience pelvic pain and frequent urination. Sufferers might also be plagued by an ongoing urge to urinate. Elmiron is typically prescribed to treat the pain and discomfort of interstitial cystitis because it protects the bladder from potential irritation.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) research cites pigmentary maculopathy as one of the primary complications that come