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FDA Warns Amazon to Act on Dangerous Products


In an August 9 warning letter, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) informed Amazon that it had violated the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) for selling non-FDA-approved drugs for interstate commerce. The FDA noted that Amazon, along with two other retailers, will need to respond within 15 days by showing a plan to address these violations—or face legal action from the agency.

Consumers have brought lawsuits against the retail giant for damages related to other dangerous products. If you were harmed by an item you purchased from Amazon or another company, you could seek legal damages.

Dangerous Amazon Products Include At-Home Mole and Skin Tag Removers

dangerous products on amazon

The FDA’s letter to Amazon noted that a mole and skin tag remover sold on its website was not tested by the FDA or evaluated for safety and efficacy. In fact, no product of this type has FDA approval.

Other information from the FDA notes that at-home mole and skin tag removers are dangerous for several reasons—and consumers should not do this themselves. These products can:

  • Cause skin injuries, scarring, or infection
  • Lead to delayed cancer diagnosis if patients fail to see a doctor for their skin condition
  • Contain harmful chemicals

If you purchased one of these products and had a negative reaction, you can report it to MedWatch, the FDA’s reporting tool. You may also be able to seek damages through a product liability lawsuit.

Other Dangerous Products Sold on Amazon

Retail giant Amazon has also faced scrutiny from other federal agencies for selling dangerous products online.

According to  National Public Radio (NPR), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ordered Amazon to stop selling items claiming to protect consumers against Covid-19 in 2020, including items containing dangerous toxins.

Further, The Washington Post reported that thousands of other products sold on Amazon could be unsafe, including laptops that overheat and faulty home appliances, among many others.

Lawsuits Against Amazon Pave the Way for Other Dangerous Product Liability Cases

Amazon to Act on Dangerous Products

In 2019, a Pennsylvania court declared consumers could bring liability claims against Amazon after a woman was permanently blinded by a defective retractable dog leash purchased on Amazon.

Because consumers cannot communicate with third-party sellers on the retailer’s platform, Amazon can be classified as a seller, which has paved the way for possible liability claims against Amazon. Previous cases had found that Amazon could not face liability for product sales on the platform.

Get a Legal Case Review 

If you were injured by a defective or dangerous product purchased on Amazon and face damages as a result (such as medical bills to treat injuries) you could take legal action. Product injury lawyers at Mass Tort Central can determine if you have a case and guide you through a lawsuit. Fill out our contact form to schedule your case review today.