J&J Talc “Baby Powder” Ovarian & Lung Cancer Litigation

Talcum and baby powder lawsuits are being filed by women who were diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using Johnson’s Baby Powder, Shower-to-Shower powder or other body-care products containing talc.
Over 15,500 talcum powder lawsuits have been filed by injured women against Johnson & Johnson and other manufacturers. More lawsuits are expected.
Evidence shows that Johnson & Johnson knew for over 40 years their talc contained cancer-causing asbestos, leading to repeated talcum powder lawsuit verdicts in favor of plaintiffs. Because of the link to asbestos, the talcum powder may also have cause mesothelioma in some individuals. In 2018, Reuters published a report that showed according to internal documents, J&J was aware of asbestos contamination in their talcum powder as early as the 1950s. Over the last five decades, nearly 40 papers have been published in medical journals studying a potential link between talcum powder and ovarian cancer.
To be eligible for potential compensation in a lawsuit for ovarian cancer due to talcum powder use consider the following:
- Diagnosis of an ovarian-type cancer.
- Daily use of Johnson & Johnson talcum or baby powder for at least 5 years near or around the genital region.
- A positive biopsy showing evidence of talcum powder.
- No genetic predisposition to ovarian cancer
Litigation status to-date shows that plaintiffs are winning over $5 billion in lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson and other manufacturers of baby powder. Verdicts have been awarded since 2013 when the lawsuits began. Here are some notable verdicts:
- $4.69 billion – July 2018 to 22 women in Missouri
- $417 million – August 2017 to Eva Echeverria
- $110.4 million – May 2017 to Lois Slemp
- $70 million – October 2016 to Deborah Giannecchini
- $72 million – February 2016 to Jackie Fox
- $55 million – May 2016 Gloria Ristesund
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer or mesothelioma from prolonged exposure to Johnson&Johnson’s talc and baby powder, you may be eligible for significant compensation. Damages for your injuries include:
- Medical costs incurred due to the cancer, including diagnostic tests, treatments, and follow-up care
- Other costs related to treatment, such as travel to and from a specialist
- Lost income due to the inability to work for the person diagnosed and/or their caretaker
- Pain and suffering caused by the condition
- Funeral costs for individuals who passed away from the disease
Don’t let Johnson & Johnson stay unaccountable. Their product harmed innocent consumers, causing them cancer, undue pain and suffering and unfortunately death in some cases. Join thousands of other women in the fight for their rights.